Why children should take Omega-3 in 2022

Why children should take Omega-3 in 2024

What is Omega-3

Omega-3 acids are not produced in the body.
Therefore, the baby should receive them through the placenta in the womb and with breast milk in the first months of life.

Omega-3 (EPA and DHA) are the building blocks of the baby’s body.

They are involved in all the stages of growth and development of the child: from the formation of organs to brain function and immune system strengthening.

These fatty acids are not produced in the body independently.

So a child should get them through the placenta in the womb and with breast milk in the first months of life.

And later – with food or supplements on a regular basis.

He points is that omega-3s cannot be synthesized in the body.

We have to get them externally, with food.

The highest content of these acids is in oily fish like salmon, mackerel, or tuna.

Sources can also be vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, and some vegetables.

And as much as I support the Food before Supplement beliefs, it is very rare in my practice to meet children who regularly eat the above foods. Especially oily fish.

Therefore, in connection with the undeniably important role of omega-3 for the child’s body, I often recommend it in addition to dietary supplements.

Anna, Kushner Scientist and pediatrician
What is DHA

What is DHA

DHA is the most important of the Omega-3 acids, especially for children. It plays a key role in the formation and function of a child’s central nervous system and retina.

DHA is the main component of neural cells that contributes to the transmission of nerve impulses.

It is this acid that makes up 10-20% of all fats in the brain.

Since brain and eye development begins in the womb and continues into early childhood – it is especially significant that DHA-acid is always in the mother’s diet during pregnancy and lactation.

According to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommendations, a pregnant woman has to eat up to 340 grams of fatty fish per week to cover the needs of the baby and her own body.

What is there to say, this amount is not always a realistic amount to consume, and fish can be a source of infection, so also the best way out is to use a dietary supplement that contains the necessary levels of Omega-3.

Here’s what we recommend.

The benefits of Omega-3 for a baby

The benefits of Omega-3 for a baby

  1. From the CNS and retina: support proper brain development and promote visual acuity;
  2. Augment cognitive abilities: memory2, concentration, and learning ability3;

    Oxford University research shows that higher levels of fatty acids in the body, especially DHA.

    It has been linked to improved academic performance and reduced behavioral problems in children.
  3. Strengthen the immune system: activate innate and acquired immunity5, reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases;
  4. Decrease symptoms of ADHD: reduce hyperactivity, inattention7, anxiety and aggression;
  5. Promote healthy sleep;

    According to statistics from Oxford University, 40% of schoolchildren have trouble sleeping.

    And Omega-3 deficiency leads to more serious sleep disorders in healthy children.

    Study results showed that taking DHA acids for 16 weeks improved sleep quality and duration by 1 hour.
  6. Enhance your mood and fight depression.
How Omega-3 deficiency harms children

How Omega-3 deficiency harms children

Omega-3 deficiency in children can lead to behavioral problems and reduced brain function – memory and concentration deteriorate.

Also, with an imbalance of Omega-3 and Omega-6, anxiety, irritability, and sleep disturbance appear.

The best way to maintain fatty acid balance is to take Omega-3 capsules.

Which omega 3 to choose

Which omega 3 to choose

What we recommend

Because Clearly EPA/DHA is produced close to where the fish are sourced, we keep our fish oils as fresh as possible.

Easily digestible fish oil

Produced using proprietary refining methods based on advanced purification and processing technologies, Clearly EPA/DHA is a highly concentrated fish oil. This allows for a high omega-3 content in a small, easy-to-swallow soft gel.

It can be taken by both children and adults of any age.

Also check out Balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6

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