How to take vitamins correctly and why you need it in 2022

How to take vitamins correctly and why you need it in 2025

Why therapists recommend taking vitamins, what role they play in metabolic processes, and how not to harm your body.

Let’s find out in this article.

But not everyone still understands how they work and what they are for.

Perhaps that’s why, when it comes to supplements, there are many myths and stereotypes around, invented by pharmacologists or simply by those who have not figured out the correct dosages and therefore have not seen any results.

Vitamins are really indispensable in the process of life.

These micronutrients ensure the effective work of metabolic processes, influence immunity and appearance.

How vitamins work

How vitamins work

In the course of evolution, nature has deprived humans of the ability to synthesize vitamins inside the body.

Although some animals still have this skill.

For example, goats can produce their own vitamin C.

We do not, so people need to get it with food.

A balanced diet is the foundation of health.

By neglecting it, many of our ancestors hundreds of years ago suffered serious diseases related to avitaminosis.

One of these was scurvy – a deficiency of important micronutrients led to large-scale epidemics, as a result of which thousands of people died.

It is thought that this should not be the case in the modern world, but as recent studies show, there remains a significant number of people who are deficient in certain substances.

Vitamins and micronutrients are an essential part of working enzymes.

The very structure of an enzyme is made up of protein.

When we consume amino acids, they first assemble into a chain, then fold up to form a ternary structure or, in other words, the very protein that the body uses as building material.

It is during this process that vitamins come into action: they become the active center of an enzyme, without which the structure cannot function and is subsequently destroyed.

Therefore, even such a microscopic part acts as an obligatory link in the metabolic processes.

When to start taking vitamins

When to start taking vitamins

Previously, in the Middle Ages, life expectancy was much lower.

There were recorded cases where people lived to an advanced age, but this was more due to their genetic characteristics.

Rather than the actual state of health.

Now that we are living much longer, there is an urgent need to be more attentive to our bodies.

From this point of view, it can be compared to a car: the more carefully it is used, the longer it will last to its owner.

Eating right and getting micronutrients are some basics, and it’s important to stick to them.

This is especially true for young people, since they tend not to lead a “regimented” lifestyle: they snack on the go, go to bed late, do not always exercise, and certainly do not think about nutritional supplements.

The paradox is that up to about 30 years of age they will still feel healthy, but after that a radical change begins.

Depending on the ”baseline“ the body will either age slowly or quickly.

Then the issue of nutritional balance will become relevant again.

Vitamin Deficiency Signs.

Vitamin Deficiency Signs.

Avitaminosis, as it used to be, is now almost non-existent.

More often, a pathological condition caused by a deficiency of a group of vitamins in the body is manifested.

It is usually characterized by a decrease in immunity, appetite, and mood.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the deficiency without a special laboratory test.

Although when patients come to experienced doctors, they already know in advance, they will be deficient in vitamin D and B groups—they are most typically lacking in those who do not take additional micronutrients.

But vitamins E, A and C are less likely to be in short supply.

We consume them more actively from food, so sometimes we don’t even need to fill the gaps artificially.

It is the characteristics of a person’s diet that often limit the intake of vitamins in the body.

In addition, any problems with digestion get in the way of absorption of useful micronutrients into the blood, which also creates another artificial barrier.

So, any nutritional deficiency raises a more serious question:

How much of everything does a particular person need in order for his or her body to function properly?

Just by looking at the face, you can’t tell.

Only laboratory tests help here.

The role of the sun and technology

The role of the sun and technology

Vitamin D is most typically deficient.

This is due to the peculiarities of its consumption.

Nature has devised a complex mechanism: to produce this trace element, a person must not only be exposed to the sun with unprotected skin, but also actively moving in that state for several hours.

When the vitamin is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet light, it needs to move into the bloodstream – this is provided only by physical activity.

If we just lie on the beach, vitamin D is also produced, but then it is instantly destroyed, with no benefit.

Everyone knows that being in the sun for a long time with unprotected skin is at least not safe for health and, of course, it’s not just tiring.

Interestingly, as a species, we cannot exist at all in the United States and Canada.

Here we are allowed to live by civilization and the technology we have invented.

As originally conceived, humans were only supposed to inhabit the southern regions – there we could generate the necessary amount of vitamin D.

From an evolutionary point of view, five thousand years is not enough time to change this process.

So we have to adjust to it and take vitamin D capsules.

What is Vitamin D for?

What is vitamin D for?

Vitamin D has more than 2,000 different types of receptors in body tissues.

It acts as a neurosteroid and enhances human cognitive abilities – it improves the functioning of the nervous system.

It also increases immunity.

The data show that the incidence of disease in children is reduced by 5-6 times with regular intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin D.

This does not mean that a person forever forgets what the flu is.

But the duration of the illness is shortened.

For example, instead of 15 days, you have to spend only 3 days at home.

In addition, the vitamin is directly related to muscle strength and sex hormones, and it also affects the condition of the skin and calcium metabolism, strengthening bone tissue.

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