Effects of carbonated drinks on the body

Effects of carbonated drinks on the body

What happens if you drink carbonated drinks everyday?

Our body consists of 60% water.

To maintain a water balance, we drink every day. Some people prefer coffee, some prefer tea, beer, juices, sodas.

The basis of any drink is water.

In addition to water, beverages contain other substances that affect our bodies.

These effects can be positive or negative, depending on the regularity and amount of consumption of a particular drink.

For a healthy adult, drinking small amounts of sparkling water is not harmful.

But drinking large amounts of sweet sparkling water frequently can have adverse health effects.

Sugary carbonated drinks provoke pancreatic cancer.

Employees at the University of Minnesota (USA) followed 60,524 men and women in Singapore for fourteen years.

During that time, 140 people developed pancreatic cancer.

Those who drank two or more cans of sugary soft drinks a week (an average of five cans in seven days) were 87% more likely to develop cancer.

However, no link was found between drinking fruit juices and developing cancer.

Only sodas had a negative effect!

The scientists explain it this way: cola and similar drinks contain a lot of sugar, which increases insulin production in the pancreas.

This induces cancer.

Also, fizzy drinkers tend to have the worst diet, and this too can have a bad effect on the pancreas.

Sweet fizzy drinks kill the heart.

We have all heard a hundred times before that a healthy diet should not be accompanied by fizzy drinks with dyes, preservatives, flavorings, and other chemicals, but by clean drinking water or tea.

But do we follow this rule?

Perhaps the results of a recent study by American scientists will make soda lovers think again before they put another bottle in the supermarket cart.

Cardiologists remind us that sugary soda is not a healthy choice and its consumption should be kept to a minimum.

And medics call caffeinated cola and sugary carbonated drinks, as well as non-carbonated caloric drinks and fruit juices, which include sweeteners, natural or artificial flavorings, bad for the heart.

Researchers say the use of such drinks has more than doubled in the past 30 years, especially among adolescents and young adults.

Sugary carbonated drinks ruin teeth.

Frequent consumption of soft drinks increases your risk of losing your teeth, according to the Academy of General Dentistry.

Citric acid contained in carbonated fruit water leads to erosion of tooth enamel and, consequently, to tooth loss.

Therefore, experts advise giving up drinking such drinks and replacing them with regular tea and juices.

In a study, experts compared the effect on tooth enamel of black and green tea, soda, and orange juice.

The results were that tea, unlike soda and juice, did not damage the enamel;

Green tea proved to be healthier than black tea, as it contains more natural elements with anti-inflammatory properties.

But doctors advise drinking it without milk, lemon, and sugar because these products reduce the useful properties of tea.

Contraindications to the use of sparkling water

People with chronic diseases (allergies, overweight, gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, etc.) should not consume carbonated sweet drinks in large quantities.

Children under 3 years of age should be kept away from carbonated beverages.

What are the side effects of carbonated drinks?

What are the side effects of carbonated drinks?

The most important side effects of carbonated drinks are the average soda contains 27-45 calories per 100 grams of product – quite a lot for a drink.

It’s not the nutrients that provide the calories, but a large amount of sugar.

For example, there are about 25 teaspoons of sugar in a liter bottle of sweet sparkling water.

The drink reduces appetite. “When a child drinks a small can of soda – 0.33 milliliters (it contains about eight, nine teaspoons of sugar) – he may forget to eat.

Once or twice is not critical. But if this happens regularly, the body is deficient in vitamins.

Even when you eat right (that is, your diet includes whole grains, greens, vegetables, fish, meat, dairy products), high levels of sugar create an imbalance in the intestinal microflora and do not allow absorption of useful substances.

And also from drinking carbonated sweet water, you deprive your body of calcium.

Soda contains caffeine, so it can lead to hyperexcitability in children.

Caffeine has a strong diuretic effect.

In particular, magnesium and calcium will be flushed out of the body.

Calcium affects the teeth, the bones, how the blood clots, muscles, and thyroid gland work.

Leg cramps are one of the first signs of calcium deficiency, in which case soda should be eliminated.

Lack of magnesium negatively affects the nervous system, fraught with headaches, mood swings, and irritability.

Also, sweet water will not allow you to lose weight.

Sugar is an easily digestible carbohydrate.

The body responds to it with an increased release of insulin, a hormone that prevents you from burning fat.

If you want to get rid of fat deposits on the hips and in the waist area, eliminate the drink.

In addition, sugary soda increases the risk of diabetes.

“It becomes a habit to eat more sweets in general – foods with less sugar will no longer seem as tasty

And soda also contains phosphoric acid, citric acid, which corrodes tooth enamel.

But not only soda itself hurts enamel, and everything too acidic, like freshly squeezed citrus juices.

If you’re a fan of these drinks, remember that it’s better to drink them through a tube-then there will be less liquid on your teeth.

“It is not necessary to give up sweet sodas, but it should be in moderation: half a glass or a glass once a week is acceptable.

effects of carbonated drinks on the stomach

Effects of carbonated drinks on the stomach

Carbon dioxide contained in soda irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach, increases bloating, and disrupts the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid and its aggressiveness.

Therefore, carbonated water is especially harmful to patients with gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and pancreatic disease.

As I wrote above, those people who consume soda most often have an 87% higher chance of pancreatic cancer than those who do not consume it.

This is because drinking sugary sodas stimulates increased insulin synthesis.

The consequence of this is the development of pancreatic cancer.

When drinking carbonated beverages on a regular basis, it is worth looking for an alternative.

An alternative to carbonated beverages can be drinking water or still mineral water, compote, tea, coffee, and sometimes juices.

On March 18, scientists at Harvard University published a study showing that drinking too much soda and other sugary drinks increases the chances of dying early from cancer, heart disease, or vascular disease.

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