9 health benefits of zinc for humans

9 Health benefits of zinc for humans

The normalized use of this dietary supplement can help to avoid many diseases.

And the benefits of zinc are the following 9 properties.

  1. Maintaining normal thyroid function

    Zinc acts on and regulates thyroid hormones.

    Zinc deficiency increases the possibility of thyroid problems and can be accompanied by hair loss.

    When there is any pathology of the thyroid gland, a person’s iron levels are checked and iron deficiencies are made up with supplements and foods.
  2. Zinc for Immunity

    The element in question activates T-lymphocytes and speeds up the timing of signal transmission between cells of the immune system.

    As a result, the body reacts quickly to the pathogen and begins to fight it.

    What’s more, a 2012 study showed that taking zinc supplements reduces the duration of colds in adults over the age of 19.

    This substance is also added to some nasal sprays and other cold medicines.

    Lack of this element leads to a weakened immune system.
Promotes wound healing and helps with acne

  1. Promotes wound healing and helps with acne

    The skin contains 5% of the zinc found in the human body.

    It is involved in the synthesis of collagen, and sores, burns, wounds, and other skin injuries show a deficiency of this element.

    That is why Zn is included in wound-healing products and is actively used in medicine.

    Such a pathology as acne is also associated with a lack of zinc.

    It is found in 4.9% of the population and presents acne caused by the bacteria Propionibacterium acres.

    Propionibacterium acres and sebaceous gland blockage. The substance in question inhibits the activity of these bacteria and helps in the fight against acne.
  1. Zinc for hair

    Zinc deficiency, as well as its overdose, negatively affects hair growth and health.

    The use of the substance in question in too large or small quantities leads to halogen, androgenetic and alopecia errata (baldness).

    But if you follow the recommended dosage, then there will be no problems with hair.
  1. Affects male fertility

    Fertility in men is their ability to have children.

    The seminal fluid of infertile men is characterized by a significantly reduced level of Zn.

    And its use increases the mobility of spermatozoa and helps to increase their number.

    The results of an experiment conducted in the Netherlands showed that after a man takes zinc sulfate, more active spermatozoa begin to be produced in his body.

    However, infertile men should consult their doctor before using supplements.
  2. Increases chance of having a healthy baby

    Pregnant women need to consume more zinc than everyone else, namely at least 12 mg per day.

    This is due to the fact that a certain amount of this element is required not only for the woman’s body, but also for the normal development of the fetus.

    It is involved in the synthesis of DNA, protein and cell division.

    Low levels of this substance can lead to miscarriage, fetal growth retardation and premature birth.
Promotes normal gastrointestinal function
  1. Promotes normal gastrointestinal function

    If a person takes the normal amount of Zn with meals and supplements, there is very little chance of any abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract.

    However, with serious gastrointestinal diseases (gastric ulcer, Crohn’s disease, GI disease, gluten disease) there is a deficiency of the substance in question.

    The WHO also recommends zinc tablets for the treatment of diarrhea in children and adults.
  2. Strengthen Bones

    It is commonly believed that calcium is directly linked to bone strength.

    But zinc is just as important in maintaining bone mass and bone strength.

    Low intake of Zn can lead to brittle bones and loss of bone mass, especially in post-menopausal women.
  3. Promotes good eyesight and prevents vision abnormalities

    Zinc is a key component of enzymes that affect visual acuity and a person’s ability to see in the dark.

    Large deficiencies in it provoke changes in the retina and lead to visual impairment.

    Many researchers suggest that this chemical element slows the progression of age-related degeneration of the yellow spot.

    Its deficiency can lead to many negative consequences for the person.
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