5 reasons to start taking zinc

5 reasons to start taking zinc

Deficiency can lead to serious health problems, from hair loss to blurred vision.

Vegans and vegetarians often suffer from a lack of this trace element – the fact is that the main sources of zinc are seafood, red meat and dairy.

In this case, special nutritional supplements come to the rescue.

Learn more about why it’s important to take zinc – especially during a pandemic – below.

  1. Supports the immune system.

    Zinc has been proven to be essential to the functioning of the immune system, which saves our bodies from bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

    Lack of this element leads to increased susceptibility to disease.

    So now, during a pandemic, it is especially important to make up the deficiency in time.

    However, beware: with the intake of zinc should be careful, because its overabundance also leads to problems.

    Carefully read the instructions for use.
  2. Speeds up the healing of wounds.

    Zinc is involved in the synthesis of collagen, a significant protein that provides strength and elasticity to the skin, nails, and hair.

    That is why it can often be found not only in vitamin complexes, but also in healing remedies for wounds and burns, in which it is necessary to restore the properties of zinc.

Improves skin condition
  1. Improves skin condition

    In addition to healing wounds, zinc has another superpower for the skin – it’s great for fighting acne.

    The trace element slows down the activity of the bacteria that causes acne and more.

    The International Journal of Dermatology published the results of a study

    In which participants suffering from rosacea consumed zinc sulfate for three months.

    This helped to significantly improve their skin condition.
  2. Anti-inflammation.

    Zinc is involved in the fight against inflammation in the body, and its deficiency can only make the process worse.

    Clinical studies say so – it turns out that the substance reduces the production of molecules that are involved in the development of inflammation, as well as reducing the frequency and severity of infections.
  3. Improves Vision

    Zinc is involved in important biochemical reactions of the retina and promotes the absorption of vitamin A, which is known to be essential for maintaining good vision.

    A micronutrient deficiency can lead to diseases such as cataracts or retinal damage, so it is important to replenish it in a timely manner.
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