Fast Food Harm or Benefit

Fast‌ ‌Food‌ ‌Harm‌ ‌or‌ ‌Benefit‌ 

In the classic view, fast food is primarily hamburgers and fries.

But in reality, it is a much broader concept that also includes:

  1. Instant noodles;
  2. Packaged purees and soups;
  3. Mixed meats and fish;
  4. pizza;
  5. shawarma;
  6. single-food oatmeal and more.

Fast food is usually cooked on a grill, in a deep fryer, or in a microwave oven.

Fast food restaurants use special cooking methods to get crispy and greasy fries every time.

Why is fast food harmful?

Why is fast food harmful?

First of all, fast food is harmful from high sugar, salt, trans fats, and sauces.

And also fast food is harmful because of its high caloric content, due to numerous carbohydrates.

It is because of fast carbohydrates that excess weight gain occurs.

Also, the vast majority of all fast foods use a lot of flavorings, which are harmful in and of themselves, and are also full of salt.

A result is numerous health problems including, obesity, diabetes, kidney problems, gastritis, and colitis.

Almost all the foods from the familiar American fast-food chains, including drinks and side dishes, contain carbohydrates and almost no fiber.

When the digestive system breaks it down, the carbohydrates enter the bloodstream as glucose (sugar).

This causes a person’s blood sugar level to change.

The pancreas reacts to the release of glucose (sugar) by releasing insulin.

This hormone transports sugar to cells that need it for energy.

As the body uses or stores sugar, blood sugar levels return to normal.

Frequent consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates can lead to repeated spikes in blood sugar.

Over time, these spikes in insulin can cause your body’s normal insulin response to failing.

This increases your risk of type 2 diabetes and weight gain.

Also, a 2016 scientific paper shows that processed foods from stores and fast-food restaurants contain phthalates, and these substances can disrupt hormones in the human body.

Consuming food high in this chemical can lead to reproductive problems, including birth defects.

For more information on the effects of fast food on the human body, read a separate article.

On the Effects of Fast Food on the Human Body

Is there any good in fast food?

Is there any good in fast food?

From the point of view of a healthy lifestyle, fast food is an undeniable evil for the human body.

However, the food from fast food is not 100% harmful and still, there is a small proportion of useful substances.

French fries, of course, are not a gift either.

Starch and incomprehensible oil won’t do anyone any good.

And if you look at this product from the other side.

Potatoes are a good source of vitamin C, which, incidentally, is deficient in many people in our world.

But vitamin C is destroyed by the traditional methods of cooking potatoes (boiling or frying).

This does not happen, however, when potatoes are deep-fried.

For example, a large serving of McDonald’s French fries contains 30 percent of the daily vitamin C content.

The same goes for the nuggets and fried crust at KFC.
KFC uses real meat, which is healthy, with protein, fiber, and many other nutrients.

However, it is desirable to eat such chicken without sauce, so you are much less harmful to the body.

Since the breading for this chicken is made from natural ingredients.

The only thing that is harmful in this is that it is fried in oil.

If you exercise regularly and eat healthy food, then it is safe for you to eat fast food once in a while

What are the benefits of fast food?

What are the benefits of fast food?

Snacking Instead of Skipping a Meal

Although intermittent fasting has become a popular way to control weight in recent years, skipping a meal without a specific purpose is very rarely helpful.

According to NHS UK, the best way to lose weight and maintain weight is to reduce the number of calories you consume while increasing the amount you burn during exercise.

Skipping meals can cause fatigue and loss of some essential nutrients.

If you have quick snacks in your life, experts recommend choosing healthy fast foods that don’t include fried potatoes, for example.

Buy or take fruits, nuts, and vegetables with you.

They still have substances in them that will help your body weight for a full meal.

Don’t snack on foods that are high in sugar or fat.

Fast food restaurants have healthy foods.

Most modern fast-food restaurants offer healthy or completely harmless meals on their menus.

These can include salads, vegetable or fruit slices, smoothies, and other foods.

So if you need a quick and small meal, and there is only a well-known fast-food chain on the way, then you can safely go in.

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What happens if you eat fast food every day

What happens if you eat fast food every day

Of course, if you eat fast food rarely, it will not be harmful to your body, but if you eat fast food every day, then you can get an impressive bouquet of diseases.

Here is a small list of the most dangerous points:

  1. Endocrine system (the danger of obesity);
  2. Negative changes in hormonal background;
  3. Gastrointestinal disorders (gastrointestinal tract);
  4. Pancreas (problems with insulin production, risk of diabetes);
  5. liver and kidney problems;
  6. Dental problems;
  7. Insomnia (read about sleep here) and frequent migraines;
  8. Formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots.

How to eat quickly and healthily?

It’s best to take care of your meals in advance.

Take a container from home with a cutlet, a piece of meat, and/or vegetables.

Also, fruit and nuts are great for snacking on the go and are convenient to take with you.

It’s both tasty and nourishing, and useful.

It should be noted that fast food is addictive, and sometimes it’s not so easy to give up on favorite but unhealthy dishes.

But they can be prepared and at home – using healthy products.

Here are examples of some such dishes.

  1. The burger can be made from a whole-grain bun, slices of cooked or grilled turkey, and the sauce is not so difficult to make yourself from sour cream, garlic and herbs.
  2. Instead of shawarma, we suggest a dish of finely chopped baked meat with vegetables and homemade mayonnaise.
  3. Fry the nuggets with minimal breading and in a healthy oil (grape seed, GCI).

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