Obese exercise

Exercise for obesity in 2025

Exercises for obesity at home

Physical exercise helps with all forms of obesity.

But it is especially effective for the 1st and 2nd degrees of obesity.

The most important exercise for many obese people is simply walking.

  1. Regular walking in place (30 seconds).
  2. Walking with a high hip elevation (30 seconds).
  3. As well as normal walking, walk as much as possible.
Exercise 1: Starting position is lying on your back with your arms stretched along your body.

Exercise 1: Starting position is lying on your back with your arms stretched along your body.

Bend your knees and put your feet as close to the buttocks as possible.

Leaning on your elbows and feet, lift your pelvis, standing on a “half-bridge” (inhale).

Return to the starting position (Breath out).

Repeat it 5-10 times, depending on tiredness.

Exercise #2: Starting position is lying on your left side, arms bent at the elbow, right palm on the floor at waist level.

Exercise 2: Starting position is lying on your left side, arms bent at the elbow, right palm on the floor at waist level.

Leaning on the left forearm, the right palm, and the outer edge of the left foot, push off the floor with the left hip (raise the pelvis).

Do the same on your right side.

Repeat it 5-10 times on each side, depending on tiredness.

Exercise 3: Starting position is lying on the back, legs extended and twisted, hands behind head.

Exercise 3: Starting position is lying on the back, legs extended and twisted, hands behind head.

Turn sharply to the left side, then roll over back to the right side.

Repeat it 5-10 times, depending on tiredness.

Exercise 4: Starting position is standing, with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your waist.

Exercise 4: Starting position is standing, with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your waist.

Do circular movements with your hips.

To the left, then to the right.

Head and chest are immobile.


Repeat 10-15 times, depending on fatigue.

Exercise 5: Starting position is standing, with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Exercise 5: Starting position is standing, with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Turn the body to the right and left, legs are immobile.

Repeat it 10-15 times, depending on tiredness.

Exercise 6: Starting position is standing, with legs shoulder-width apart and arms outstretched to the sides.

Exercise 6: Starting position is standing, with legs shoulder-width apart and arms outstretched to the sides.

Bend forward, reaching the toes of the left foot with the right hand, do not bend the knees (exhale).

Return to the starting position (inhale).

Bend down, reaching the toes of your right foot with your left hand.

Repeat 8-13 times to each leg, depending on fatigue.

How many minutes of exercise should an obese person do?

How many minutes of exercise should an obese person do?

The time you should devote to exercise can vary.

If your goal is to lose weight, and you weigh over 200 pounds or 90 kilograms.

Then you should exercise for 30-40 minutes 2 times a week.

And over time, increase the load and exercise 3-4 times a week.

Exercises for obese women

Exercises for obese women

All six exercises that are written at the beginning of this article are also suitable for obese women, as well as for men.

But there are still some recommendations for overweight women.

Usually, the workout for obese people includes 2 types of workouts:

  1. Cardio workouts.
  2. Solo workouts.

Cardio workouts are walking, biking, and swimming.

Women should still do more cardio workouts than strength training.

Since there will be less discomfort.

Try to walk for 15-20 minutes a day and then increase the length of walking to 30-50 minutes.

Walking should be moderately fast.

It is unnecessary to run if your weight is over 150 pounds or 70 kilograms.

And also it is worth considering your condition.

What is the best way for an obese person to lose weight?

What is the best way for an obese person to lose weight?

What is the best way for an obese person to lose weight?

I recommend reading this marvelous story of how a man could lose weight on his own.

How to beat obesity in 2025.

In order for a person to lose weight, a proper diet and regular exercise are enough.

It is best to eat fruits and vegetables.

A plant-based diet is very important for losing weight.

As a side dish, it is best to eat vegetables in raw form, all varieties of cabbage, fresh cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkins, tomatoes, turnips, and carrots.

You can cook dishes of boiled and poached, baked vegetables.

But dishes of potatoes, beets, carrots, and green peas are allowed in limited quantities, not over 200 grams per day.

Also, for garnish can be used loose cereal oatmeal from buckwheat, barley, and barley cereals.

Allowed lean meats, cooked in pieces, followed by stewing, roasting, or frying.

Beef, veal, chicken, rabbit, and turkey meat are allowed, but a maximum of 150 g per day.

Beef bratwurst, boiled tongue, and liver are also allowed, but also limited. As for fish, only low-fat varieties and not over 150 g per day are allowed.

Mussels and shrimps are allowed, but only 200 grams per day.

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