Everything you need to know about B vitamins in 2022

Everything you need to know about B vitamins in 2025

What does the body need B vitamins for?

B vitamins are an essential part of your daily diet. Read about how their deficiency is dangerous and how to make up for it below.

In the beginning of the last century, in 1912, Polish scientist Kazimierz Funk coined the term “vitamins” and it was he who discovered B vitamins.

True, at the time, the scientist thought it was a single vitamin, and only later it was found that it was a whole group of compounds.

They are water-soluble and play an important role in metabolism.

Some functions of B vitamins are:

  1. Normalize the function of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  2. Improve the intestinal function, the state of the skin;
  3. Provide emotional health, help to cope with stress, depression, increased emotional stress;
  4. Participate in the growth of cells, energy turnover, and muscle function;
  5. Strengthen the immune system and increase the body’s resistance to various diseases.
Types of B vitamins

Types of B vitamins

Each vitamin has not only a number, but also a name and a purpose.

  1. Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

    Vitamin B1 was the first of the group to be discovered.

    It is sometimes called the “vitamin of pep” because it has a positive effect on the nervous system and brain function.

    With the participation of vitamin B1 is produced neurotransmitter, which affects memory processes, muscle tone of the heart and the digestive tract.

    Thiamine is actively involved in almost all energy metabolism processes.

    Lipid metabolism, protein metabolism, amino acid absorption, without this vitamin we will lack energy.

    Moreover, B1 participates in the transmission of genetic information during cell division.

    This vitamin can be found in plant foods: cereals, sprouted grains, cereals, bran, all kinds of cabbage, onions, carrots, nuts, apricots and apricots, spinach, beans, potatoes
  2. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

    Like B1, it has a positive effect on the nervous system and the brain.

    It is also necessary for the formation of red blood cells and antibodies, and it is important for the absorption of iron and the synthesis of hemoglobin.

    Riboflavin also impacts visual function and regulates adrenal function.

    Vitamin B2 can be synthesized in the colon or taken with food.

    It is better absorbed with animal products: it is found in eggs, meat and fish, liver, cheeses, whole milk.

    From plant foods Vitamin B2 is found in tomatoes, cabbage, buckwheat, oatmeal, leafy greens, etc.

B2 is easily destroyed by defrosting and direct exposure to sunlight!

Be important!
  1. Vitamin B3 (niacin).

    Other names are vitamin PP, nicotine acid.

    Considered the most stable compound in the B group because it can withstand heat, exposure to air, ultraviolet light, alkalis, and prolonged desiccation.

    More than 50 enzymatic reactions involving vitamin B3: it normalizes cholesterol and carbohydrate metabolism, promotes the absorption of nutrients (fats, carbohydrates, proteins), the release of energy, the synthesis of enzymes.

    Thanks to Vitamin B3, lowers blood pressure, improves skin condition and the function of the central nervous system.

    Most of the vitamin B3 is in eggs, fish, meat, kidneys, liver.

    Vegetable products have less, but still contain it in cabbage, garlic, peppers, green peas, parsley, buckwheat, mushrooms, legumes.

Vitamin B5 (Panthenol)
  1. Vitamin B5 (Panthenol)

    Pantothenic acid is an aid to wound healing because it is involved in the synthesis of antibodies, tissue regeneration.

    B5 is also necessary for normal metabolism, energy production, regulation of the nervous system.

    It is required for the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters, reduces anxiety, helps reduce stress levels.

    Intestinal microflora produces vitamin B5 in small amounts, but in order to replenish it, it is also necessary to consume the following foods: different types of meat and poultry (preferably lean), by-products, eggs (especially the yolk), nuts, mushrooms, legumes, green vegetables, beets, cauliflower.

    However, in order to get vitamin B5 accurately into the body, it is better not to subject the above foods to prolonged heat treatment.
  2. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

    It has a beneficial effect on the metabolism (almost all metabolic processes take place with its participation, it regulates the action of enzymes), the immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

    Without it, it is impossible to synthesize neurotransmitters (responsible for mood and brain function) and the synthesis of prostaglandins (substances that regulate the heart and blood pressure).

    External beauty (healthy hair, strong nails and supple skin) is also due to vitamin B6.

    There is a lot of vitamin B6 in nuts (especially walnuts and hazelnuts), tomatoes, carrots, cereals, cabbage, citrus fruits, berries (strawberries, cherries).

    You can also get it with meat (pork, veal, poultry), potatoes, peppers.
  3. Vitamin B7 (biotin).

    One of the most important substances involved in metabolism.

    B7 regulates blood sugar levels, helps to reduce muscle pain, and is involved in the transport of carbon dioxide.

    Like other B vitamins, biotin supports the nervous system, is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids and affects the condition of the skin, nails, and hair.

    Vitamin B7 is found in beef liver, bananas, peas, uncooked rice, sea fish, milk, eggs (yolks), parsley, apples, oranges.
  4. 7Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

    This vitamin is primarily familiar to women who are planning a pregnancy and preparing to become a mother.

    It is folic acid that is involved in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, the spinal cord, the brain, the skeleton, so the vitamin is started to drink even before conception and continues throughout pregnancy.

    However, the role of vitamin B9 is difficult to overestimate for other people: it is involved in cell growth and division, the transfer of hereditary information (DNA and RNA), protein metabolism, synthesizes white and red blood cells, neurotransmitters, protects mucous membranes from the development of cancer.

    To make up for vitamin B9 deficiency, eat more greens and green vegetables (parsley, celery, spinach, cabbage), as well as tomatoes, legumes, nuts, beets, bananas, yeast, potatoes, egg yolk.
  5. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).

    Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of nucleic acids, the absorption of amino acids and the biosynthesis of the protective covering of nerve fibers.

    It stimulates the blood clotting system and decreases cholesterol levels.

    B12 is found only in animal products: poultry, by-products (liver, heart), seafood, saltwater fish, eggs.

    Or in supplements.
Signs of vitamin B deficiency

Signs of vitamin B deficiency

Because most of the vitamin B group affects the nervous system and the brain.

One of the first signs of deficiency of this group would be increased fatigue, irritability, insomnia, depression, impaired memory and attention, weakness.

If, in addition, you began to actively lose your hair and break nails, it may be another sign of vitamin deficiency.

What not enough vitamins can lead to:

B1 – a large deficiency develops disease, impaired cardiac function, impaired sensitivity of the limbs, and poly neuritis develops.

Swelling, constipation, numbness of limbs, sudden weight loss are also signs of thiamine deficiency.

B2 – some signs of its deficiency: cracks in the corners of the mouth, ulcers, dermatitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, which is accompanied by lacrimation, deterioration of crepuscular vision.

B3 – sore tongue, dry skin, pale skin are some of the first signs of vitamin deficiency.

A more serious deficiency leads to pellagra, which affects the gastrointestinal tract, skin, and nervous system.

Symptoms include pain in the extremities, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and skin rashes.

B5 – deficiency of this vitamin is rare and leads to lethargy, fatigue and depression.

B6 – it is usually sufficient, deficiency of this vitamin is most common in people taking diuretics or glucocorticoids, and in women taking birth control pills.

Drowsiness, irritability, skin and mucosal problems (dermatitis, conjunctivitis) are some main signs of pyridoxine deficiency.

B9 – deficiency occurs very rarely and is only possible in exceptional cases: for example, when taking large doses of antibiotics or diseases of the small intestine. In this case, fatigue and diarrhea develop.

However, folic acid deficiency in pregnant women can lead to fetal abnormalities.

B12 – the lack of this vitamin leads to serious consequences: malignant anemia.

Sores appear on the tongue, limbs go numb, vision deteriorates.

If you have the above symptoms, it is recommended not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor.

You can start by visiting your general practitioner, who will refer you to tests and doctors of subspecialty, depending on the symptoms.

If the lack of vitamins is confirmed, the doctor may prescribe the use of vitamins in synthetic form, as well as in the form of dietary supplements.

There are both multivitamin complexes and monocomplexes.

It is better to choose preparations aimed specifically to make up for the lack of B vitamins.

In addition, you can buy single remedies separately, but you need to know exactly which B vitamin you lack.

So, remember that B vitamins are involved in many processes in the body, and their lack can lead to serious health problems.

In addition, B vitamins do not accumulate in the body, so it is extremely important to replenish them regularly with food or supplements.

Vitamin B prophylaxis

Vitamin B prophylaxis

What I recommend to you is BioActive Complete B-Complex

Are you getting enough vitamin B? There are more forms of it than you may think, and each plays a different role.

So it’s important to get a wide spectrum of the vitamin B family, every day.

BioActive Complete B-Complex consists of biologically active forms of each nutrient, optimizing absorption and providing your body with everything it needs to thrive.

Getting your B vitamins doesn’t have to be complicated.

Get the biologically active forms of these vitamins you need to thrive.

Benefits of BioActive Complete B-Complex

  1. Enhances energy production and promotes healthy metabolism
  2. Produces healthy brain, cells, and organs
  3. More bioactive, so your body can use each nutrient more efficiently

B vitamins help to properly absorb the nutrients and energy from the foods you eat.

But before your body can use B vitamins, it must first convert them into their biologically active forms.

That’s why we created BioActive Complete B-Complex —it combines the active forms of each of the eight B vitamins, so your body can skip a step and directly access the much health benefits these essential nutrients offer.

Why should I take BioActive Complete B-Complex?

You’ve probably heard of vitamins B6 and B12, but did you know there are eight B vitamins in total?

Each one benefits you in different ways, from promoting healthy metabolism of glucose, fat, and alcohol to stimulating energy production.

They also support organ function, cognitive health and more.

But many of us don’t get enough of these essential B vitamins.

To help your body thrive, Life Extension has created BioActive Complete B-Complex.

Infused with several forms of biologically active vitamin B and using the same doses as the latest research, it’s the perfect complement to any well-designed dietary regimen.

To get the daily B vitamins your body needs, add BioActive Complete B-Complex to your diet today.

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