
What is vitamin K2 useful and how does it relate to COVID-19

What is vitamin K2 useful and how does it relate to COVID-19

60% of the world’s population suffers from its deficiency, 97% of people have never even heard of it, although it is very important for our body. Vitamin K—what is this element, how to determine its deficiency, and how does it relate to Covid-19? And most importantly, where to buy this vitamin? Find out in this

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The strongest evidence for the ability of vitamin D to fight COVID-19

The strongest evidence for the ability of vitamin D to fight COVID-19

Israel’s scientists say they have gathered the most convincing evidence to date that increased vitamin D levels can help COVID-19 patients reduce the risk of serious illness or death. Researchers from Bar-Ilan University and Galilee Medical Center say: Vitamin D deficiency significantly increases danger levels, they conclude in a new peer-reviewed study published in the

The strongest evidence for the ability of vitamin D to fight COVID-19 Read More »

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