The modern world is developing at great speed, and in order not to fall out of the stream, many have to live at high speed.
Constant stress, lack of sleep and fatigue have become so commonplace that it seems that you can never get rid of them.
The bad news is that a magic pill that could solve all these issues, has not yet been invented.
We’ve put together a checklist for you every day.
Start with these 5 steps now – they’ll help you feel more energized throughout the day and not fall off your feet after every task.
Start your morning with a glass of water
Being quickly fatigued and sleepy are the main symptoms of a dehydrated body.
A glass of water in the morning will help you avoid this and give your body a boost of energy.
Also, do not forget to keep track of your daily water intake, which is about two liters, depending on your body weight.
A simple formula for calculating your daily intake: 30 ml (0.06 lb) × 1 kg weight (2.2lb).
In addition to feeling invigorated, water improves your metabolism and prevents overeating.
Add vitamins to your diet.
Often a deficiency of Omega-3 and Vitamin D3 can be a cause of depression.
Although food is the main source of energy, we don’t always get the nutrients through food, and not always in sufficient amounts.
Only 10% of Vitamin D3 comes through food, the other 90% comes from direct sunlight through the skin.
Short periods of exposure to the sun, working in the office, wearing SPF, and polluted air are all factors that interfere with the synthesis of vitamin D.
If we talk about Omega-3 fatty acids, we also do not get enough of them.
At the same time, we eat a lot of foods containing Omega-6 acids – and this leads to imbalances and inflammatory processes in the body.
You can order all the best vitamins for your home on this website of Life Extension
Hurry up and get them at discounted prices.
Dietary supplements can help make up for vitamin D3 and Omega-3 deficiencies. And as a result, increase productivity and improve mood.
Scientific studies show that low levels of vitamin D in the blood can cause severe fatigue and negatively affect quality of life.
During an experiment, a woman who complained of chronic fatigue and headaches was found to have a vitamin D deficiency.
She began taking a dietary supplement, and within two weeks her vitamin levels increased, and her symptoms disappeared.
Research published in the British Journal of Psychiatry suggests a link between vitamin D and depression.
Statistically, people with low vitamin D levels are more at risk for depression.
The situation is similar with Omega-3 – taking the fatty acids regularly minimizes the likelihood of depression and alleviates symptoms in those who struggle with depression and anxiety.
Omega-3 also increases the duration and quality of sleep.
Due to the high content of DHA acids, Omega-3 from Tuna increases the production of melatonin, which helps us sleep.
Hurry to buy now, there are discounts for you!
Buy omega-3 here.
Buy vitamin D here
You have to have a balanced diet
We get most of our energy from food.
And to get more energy, you need to include the most nutritious foods in your diet.
The energy that the body gets from food is measured by calories.
If we don’t consume enough calories, the body doesn’t have enough fuel to work, and this makes us tired.
If too many calories come in, the body is “overloaded,” and we too may feel sluggish.
As with everything, it is important to strike a balance in nutrition.
This article (How to start eating right quickly in 2025) can help.
But energy isn’t just about the number of calories, it’s also about the quality of those calories.
Energy drinks, for example, are energizing but have little nutritional value.
Harvard Medical School experts recommend consuming foods with a low glycemic index – those in which the sugar content is slowly broken down by the body.
Such foods include whole grains, nuts, some fruits, vegetables, and legumes high in fiber.
The energy from these foods is released gradually, and we feel invigorated for longer.
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Don’t forget to rest
Sometimes in the endless stream of work tasks, you don’t notice the most important thing – today you didn’t get to rest again.
And the more of these “today”, the greater the chance of burnout and nervous breakdowns.
It is unlikely to get more time and do it qualitatively, if you sit at your laptop 24 hours a day.
To improve productivity, it is necessary, on the contrary, to take breaks and alternate them with active work.
There are several techniques that will help with this:
- The 52/17 Rule.
You need to work on the task for 52 minutes and not be distracted by anything, and after 17 minutes, do not do any work and let your brain rest. - Pomodoro.
With this method, the work period, a “tomato,” lasts 30 minutes: give 25 minutes to work and 5 minutes to rest.
After four, “tomato” take a long break – 15 to 30 minutes.
And remember that you always need a balance: if the amount of work increases, then there must be more rest.
Repeat these actions regularly, and they will become your lifestyle.
More exercise
You don’t have to go to the gym and do an intense workout.
You can do any kind of physical activity, such as taking a walk in the park, playing basketball, or dancing to your favorite music.
Even the simplest exercises help to cheer up and lift your spirits.
Sport in moderation stimulates the release of stress hormones and in most cases guarantees a sound sleep.
Don’t exhaust your body with strenuous exercise, and play a sport that makes you feel good.
Learn how to stop obesity for life in 2025